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Negozio > Gioielli > Ninnolos Gioielli Argento
I Mamuthones, uomini che indossano nere maschere di legno , sono i protagonisti del famoso Carnevale di Mamoiada e simbolo delle più antiche tradizioni sarde.
The Mamuthones, men dressed made of wood, are the famous Carnival of Mamoiada and are the symbol of the oldest Sardinian tradition.
The Mamuthones, men dressed made of wood, are the famous Carnival of Mamoiada and are the symbol of the oldest Sardinian tradition.
24,90 €
Su Merdule (l’uomo), insieme ai Boes, sono i protagonisti del carnevale di Ottana. Queste maschere recitano nel gioco carnevalesco l’antica lotta tra l’uomo e l’animale.
Su Merdule (man), together with Boes, are the main characters of Ottana’s carnival. These masks perform in the carnival game the ancient fight between man and beast.
Su Merdule (man), together with Boes, are the main characters of Ottana’s carnival. These masks perform in the carnival game the ancient fight between man and beast.
24,90 €
Su Boe, la più suggestiva maschera del carnevale di Ottana, si indossa insieme a pelli e campanacci e rappresenta il bue, animale sacro in Sardegna fin dai tempi più antichi.
Su Boe is the most impressive mask of the Ottana’s carnival. It is worn together with fur and cow-bells and represents the ox, a sacred animal in Sardinia since ancient times.
Su Boe is the most impressive mask of the Ottana’s carnival. It is worn together with fur and cow-bells and represents the ox, a sacred animal in Sardinia since ancient times.
24,90 €
La maschera de Su Bundu, costruita in sughero rappresenta un diavolo ed è indossata insieme a vesti tradizionali e forconi nei riti del carnevale di Orani.
The mask of Su Bundu made of cork, represents the Devil. It’s used in the carnival’s rites of Orani and worn with traditional clothes and pitchforks.
The mask of Su Bundu made of cork, represents the Devil. It’s used in the carnival’s rites of Orani and worn with traditional clothes and pitchforks.
24,90 €
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